My Sister's Wedding

Woke up extremely early today at 5.20am to have my breakfast and started to paint my nails.
My uncle and auntie arrived at 6am to light the candles. Around 6.45am the make up artist arrived and started to make up for my sis. My eldest sis went to fetch my cousins, one will act as door boy, 2 others will join me as the sister gang.
My sister had her make up ready by 7.30am while my cousins arrived. The sister gang started to think of ways to block the door and to make fun of the groom and the brother gang.
8am the groom arrive, the door boy went to open door, but the groom did not come up with the door boy as they are still waiting for some brothers to arrive....... the sisters gang are waiting impatiently, finally 8.30am they arrived at our doors.
We start our bargaining and breakfast treat, milo with egg, sugar cracker with pickles and wasahbi, seaweed with oyster suace, got some ang pows with mixture of ringgit and sing dollar, finally let them in.
We sister gangs, each guarded a bedroom door, let the groom guess the room and collect ang pow before opening the door. 2 brothers came to my door and force open, i am struggling with 2 big men and got myself hurt, till now the wound is still not heal!!! Mad mad mad!!! All gone crazy.
Managed to get 2 ang pows for 2 other doors. Finally the groom met the bride, lift up the veil, kiss the bride and there we are ready to set off. We headed to the couple's new house. The sisters and brothers gang are puzzled why do we come to their house instead of the groom's house first.......... and the door boy open the car door here........ weird arrangement...... climbed up the stair 5 storey high, everyone complaining haha, lack of exercise......
Rest at their house, look at the pic and then proceed to Bukit Gombak for some pictures taken. Then we proceed to the Groom's house. Rest, lunch, tea ceremony started and ended. All the brother gangs are gone...... weird.......
Finally its time back home. The groom's brother drowve, the groom's bro-in-law as photographer followed us. The couples went back to their house to change. First time as sister gangs dun need to follow the couples, weird.........
Reached home, was blamed why din we followed the bride...... while actually they made arrangement for us not to mind......after a while the couples arrived, they has not changed!!??? They forgotten to bring the eldest sis making noise saying the bride shld hv changed bla bla bla, finally decided to wear my dress, luckily i was once choice, settled with a plain simple dress.
Lunch at our place startd followed by tea ceremony. Then finally everyone is cleared from the house arnd 4pm......dogged tired, lay on the sofa for a while before getting ready to go for dinner. reluctant to get up.....finally got showered and dressed up. Wake my eldest sis up as she is dozing off on the sofa too, then waited for my mum to get ready, we are suppose to be at the place at 6.15 for my mum's make up but then we set off only at 6.15pm, late late late.
6.45pm finally reached. Brought my mum up to the dressing room for make up, the bride is making up half way. Went up to the dinner place to sit down while the guests start coming in.
Dinner started as usual around 8pm. Grandma is not feeling well, went to toliet vomitted and diaheara...... the place is not good either, there is one and only ladies toliet cubicle on that level, always long q, its the same on every level while there are so many other functions going on, weird......
Finally dinner ended at 11pm. Guests going off, naughty cousin asked why the couples waved good bye and not shaking hands, haha, duno man..........
Home sweet home, tired tired tired......
All the best to the couple and may they live happily ever after.........wish to have a little nephew or niece soon, haha
COngras her
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