My Stray

This little sweet fella, she has been regular to our house, so I started feeding her at my door. She now has a routine. She will wait at our door early in the morning 5.30am. When my mum turn the door knob, she will start meowing. The moment we open the door, she will walk into my house and then walk out to have her food.
After eating she will lick herself and walk away for her daily adventure. She will then appear again sometimes in the evening, sometimes at night. No matter what time she appear, she is still so sweet.
She is so affectionate, whenever she meet me along the corridor, she will rub herself against me, sometime she hop alittle, lifting her front legs and rub against me...... when u are not looking at her, she will meow to get ur attention.
She is Ah Niao.......
She's your mummy's darling too... haha
Hello Ah Niao... meow meow.. sori me got no food for you :(
Meow meow?? No thanks, me scared scared ah!!!
Annie, I've tagged you to do the Meme On Ten Things I Miss Of Mum's Cooking!
solo.. you abandon baby josh already ah? yi qing bia lian ah?
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