Friday, September 29, 2006

JIng Ann Temple

On my first weekend, I went to Jing An Temple which is just 10mins walk from my office and about 30 mins walk from the apartment. The entrance fees is RMB10. Noting much inside, some part still under reno, so took only one pic.

Jing An Temple is built in AD 247, about 1700 yrs ago, one of the oldest temple in Shanghai. It was first built along Suzhou River. Due to the land condition, it was relocated to Nanjing Road in 1216. It was turn into factory durning the Cultural Revolution and got re-instate only in 1984. It is undergoing another round of renovation since 1998 and will be completed in 2007.

Apartment in Shanghai

Many friends are curious about the apartment i stayed during my Shanghai assignment. I stayed at my boss' rented apartment. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 hall, 1 kitchen, 2 toliets. It is quite a nice and cosy apartment.

I took the pics one day before i am departing shanghai, hence its abit messy as i am packing my luggage, hehe

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Knitting in Shanghai

Thou i am in Shanghai, i did not stop knitting.

I learn new pattern for scarf from the knitting shop where i bought my yarn. I knitted a couple scarves for the GM and his wife, for their hospitality while i am in Shanghai.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I knitted another scarf for my friend in Beijing. It is cheaper to post from Shanghai, the courier fees only cost me about S$5.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Then i also knit a baby hat and a pair of baby shoes for my Beijing friend's sister, who is delivering soon, but it was a rush so din take any pic.

Monday, September 25, 2006

View from Apartment Kitchen

This is the view from the kitchen of Shanghai Apartment.

That day, the weather is turning cool and its has been raining, and the sky colour is abit orangie, so i decided to capture it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Back From Shanghai

I am back from Shanghai last Thursday.

Its a nice trip, its kind of sad when I am about to leave, 2 months passed in a blink of eyes.

Before going to Shanghai, its seems like a dream, now back from Shanghai, its seems like waking up from a dream!

I had a lot to blog about shanghai and will slowly do, so friends do keep coming back to check for updates haha.